The Zebra Sarasa Select is a custom multi that lets you go wild with customization The Sarasa Select is in the Zebra family, and allows you to choose from Surari emulsion ink, Sarasa gel ink, JimKnock oilbased ink, and lead Each barrel holds 3. The Zebra Sarasa The Sarasa is Zebra’s standard line of gel pens There is a huge range of pens in the Sarasa family, from the Sarasa Grand, a metal executive pen, to the entrylevel Sarasa ClipThe Sarasa series was first released in 00 and is Zebra’s most popular product. Ballpoint Zebra Sarasa Clip On Multi 1000s Rp0000 Jakarta Utara Toko Agung Permai Terjual 8 Ad Pulpen Sarasa DRY Hijau 07 JJZ2G DRYJELL 0,7 gel ink ATK01SR Rp Cashback Jakarta Pusat Toko Online Jempol 49 Terjual 115 Ad Pulpen Gel Zebra SARASA CLIP 05mm ( PERPCS ) Hijau Rp.